Photo by Alice Dietrich on Unsplash
The Training and Management Program for Artists provides specific tools through modules specially designed for each of the aspects that a contemporary artist needs to consolidate in his quest to be part of the art system.
The Program will provide a virtual classroom and access to free modules with theoretical content.
Parallel to his training, the artist will be able to create ties between his peers, which will enrich his own production, his gaze and the group artistic experience.
Each module aims to offer specific solutions to the requirements of the current system, without losing sight of the individuality of each of the participants. They will be in charge of qualified trainers according to the thematic axes.
The program will be coordinated by Cecilia Medina and in this edition we have the collaboration of Noelia Novosel, offering a management perspective at each step.
“It served me as a space for dialogue. For me, who comes from design, it allowed me to discover different visions and make connections with loose ends of my research”
“It is a super valuable space. I come from the performing arts where the collective is vital and in the field of visuals I don't see that being the case and for me the collective is the only solution”
“Hyper well organized: content management and virtuality. A success to make a program with an accent on topics that are taboo”
“The program sets up a network image that would be good to strengthen, deepen and extend over time. Because you have to think less individually, more closely, more as a team”
MODULE 1: "Art and Production"
The development of the body of work will be addressed, emphasizing the importance of establishing short, medium and long-term objectives, as well as the way to achieve them. For this, the following will be taken into account: the vision, the production and the presentation of the work.
“Thinking about the work from the route of an exhibition and establishing the conditions of the assembly”, by Leo Ocello
MODULE 2: "Decisions in management: application to financing and participation in contests, awards and residencies"
The different types of financing that are available in Argentina and abroad will be presented, seeking the most appropriate according to each of the artists and their works. We will address the basic elements of presentation: statement, bio and folder assembly for each type of application.
"Knowing different opportunities: Tools to apply, present and present the work", by Lucia Warck Meister
MODULE 3: "The work and its management. Institutions and Market"
Museums. Galleries, fairs, art dealers and national and international markets.
"Artistic research as a work process", by Candela Sotos
“Exhibit in a museum and the importance of federal art development”, by Guillermo Marzullo
MODULE 4 - “New tools for new times”
New times and new challenges. This last module is to connect with new agendas and content that are presented today in the career of an artist.
Creative law for artists, the ABC of copyright and intellectual property, by Agustina Laboureau.
The digital world and how to position ourselves in it, by Martin Cravero.
At the end of the course, each participant must submit a dossier with their work and present themselves to the trainers, testing the tools acquired and the improvement of skills acquired.
Leo Ocello
Module 1: Art and production
Think about the work from the route of an exhibition and establish the conditions of the assembly
Candela Sotos
Module 3: "The work and its management. Institutions and Market"
Artistic research as a work process
Augustine Laboureau
Module 4: New tools for new times
Creative rights for artists, the ABC of copyright and intellectual property
Lucia Warck Meister
Module 2: Decisions in management
Knowing different opportunities: Tools to apply, present and present the work
William Marzullo
Module 3: "The work and its management. Institutions and Market"
Exhibit in a museum and the importance of federal art
Martin Cravero
Module 4: New tools for new times
The digital world and how to position ourselves in it
Start date: August 7, 2021
Duration: 10 classes
Modality: Distance - Virtual format
weekly meetings
Hours: 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on saturdays
Fee: total fee of AR$ 9000 for Argentine residents | u$s 60 for foreigners
Scholarships: the program has 2 types of scholarships (100% and 50%)
Quantity: Maximum 20 participants
August 07: Theoretical first module | Leo Ocello
August 14: Practical first module | Leo Ocello
August 21: Theoretical second module | Lucia Warck Meister
August 28: Practical second module | Lucia Warck Meister
September 4: Theoretical third module | Cande Sotos
September 11: Theoretical third module | William Marzullo
September 18: Theoretical fourth module | Augustine Laboureau
September 25: Theoretical fourth module | Martin Cravero
October 02 : Start of final individual sessions (1 week)
October 09: Closing with a surprise guest
In order to register, it is necessary to have a Gmail account since the program will be carried out through a Google tool (Classroom, Meet, Drive, etc.), you have time until August 1, 2021. In this edition, 10 will be selected artists to access a scholarship, in any case the rest of the applicants will be able to participate in the program by paying the total fee.
For a better experience of the program it is recommended to have basic knowledge of English. Since some examples and/or texts are usually in this language.
On August 4, 2021, the artists selected for the scholarship will receive confirmation in their email and it will be announced on social networks.
For any questions, or information about the program, do not hesitate to write us using the form or by mail to