Buenos Aires Edition
Start date:
April 2022
7 months
Hours: Friday
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (GMT-3)
From distance
Total fee:
AR$ xxxxx (or installments)
Photo by unsplash
The GLAMART Clinic for Artists in Training is presented as an instance of group exchange so that each artist can present and work on their own aesthetic, visual and/or work creation concerns.
The program is made up of fortnightly intensive meetings directed by the curator Cecilia Medina Together with the entire group, they will seek to transversally promote the production of work, explore the creative process experienced by each member and encourage group debate on the concerns presented.
The meetings aim to challenge the understanding of the formal, conceptual, symbolic and technical qualities in the development of the Work. As well as, generate a space that provides tools for reflective practices that accompany the path traveled by each artist, respecting their singularities and ways of valuing the creative process.
After each meeting, a record of the process will be kept in order to notice the transformations of each proposal, as well as to situate the relationship between the different voices of the participants.
To enter this program, a commitment to be able to attend at least all the meetings of the month is requested. It is important for a more personalized follow-up and for the evolution of the group.
Fecha de inicio:
A convenir
2 Encuentros mensuales en día a convenir.
Edición Clínica mini: 3 meses
Edición Clínica full: 7 meses
A convenir.
Arancel Clínica Full:
u$s 100 | 7 meses
o 7 cuotas de u$s 20
Arancel Clínica Mini:
u$s 50 | 3 meses
o 3 cuotas de u$s 25
Cantidad: Máx 20 artistas
Mini Bio Ceci
Cecilia Medina She is an independent curator trained in Art History in Buenos Aires, Appraisal of Works of Art and Decorative Arts at New York University and curatorship at the NODE Center for Curatorial Studies in Berlin.
It works on projects for the positioning of new artists, the development of independent spaces, the dissemination of social and environmental problems from a vision of building an interdisciplinary and socially inclusive culture.
He curated exhibitions in Argentina in Buenos Aires, Necochea, Junín, Lincoln, Mar del Plata, Rosario and Santa Fe; and internationally in Prague, Barcelona, New York, Syracuse, Tokyo, Berlin and Madrid.
Mini Bio Noah
Noe Novosel does not define herself as a manager but as a curious person who is passionate about art. Trained in History of Art, Marketing and Communication, studies that have allowed him to merge creativity and abstract logical thinking.
With seven years between the third sector and the public sector, he has been able to develop a solid experience in planning, monitoring and strategies of cultural projects.
He has participated in self-managed, independent and public projects.
Required Documentation to be requested by form
Digital Folder:
1 single file in PDF format titled SurnameName-Clinic MDQGlamart2021 with the following information:
Brief Curriculum Vitae
Conceptual memory / artist statement: no more than 120 words about the body of work and/or concern to work on in the group. In this way, it will be possible to follow up from the first meeting.
Photographs and/or link to video of work
Email address
For any questions, or information about the program, do not hesitate to write us using the form or by mail to info@glamart.art